Netlogo lput
Netlogo lput

netlogo lput netlogo lput

Runtime errors will now generate stack traces, and the alert for the error will show the procedure call sequence that generated the error.NetTango Web can properly recover from multiple compile errors in the NetLogo model code.Properly display an error when multiple widgets with the same backing global variable name are created.Newly added widgets can be deleted before recompiling or leaving authoring mode.Slider and monitor widgets with errors in their code can be clicked to show the error.Error reporting for the Fetch and Store extensions will now properly be displayed to the model user.Asking a turtle to ask itself to die will no longer create a runtime error.When possible, try to automatically resolve issues when loading insecure linked models from a secure page.Procedure names in the NetLogo Code jump list are shown exactly as written instead of being upper case.When a long error message needs to be shown, the alert window will scroll so it can all be read.Improve performance of models using the histogram primitive, especially with multiple plots.Note that versions 2.9.3, 2.9.4, and 2.9.5 were all bugfix releases for NetTango Web. This release also includes many changes to NetTango Web, mostly around how the user interface is displayed. Those models have been updated to work with NetLogo Web. Some models in the library used while which would cause NetLogo Web to freeze.Read more info about why it differs from desktop in our docs. It's been updated to not wait any amount of time and to print a message about its lack of compatibility with NetLogo desktop. The wait primitive could be used, but it's behavior was strange and it could potentially freeze NetLogo Web.When referencing an extension primitive that does not exist, the error message would not give the correct line number in code.When choosers, switches, and input widgets were added, their global variables could not be immediately referenced in the command console.When a monitor widget produced an agent value, the model would break when recompiled.It also includes many changes to NetTango Web, adding groups to the blocks menu. This release includes support for the new version of the Palette extension.

netlogo lput

Version 2.9.9 was a bugfix release for NetTango Web. It also includes many changes to NetTango Web, including an improved help menu and access to NetLogo model variables in block expression attributes. This release fixes bugs when using let variables in strings with run and runresult. This matters in the case where a model is embedded in an iframe that is not at the top of the containing page. The model will not attempt to scroll itself into view when loaded.Turtle stamp coloring should better match NetLogo desktop when transparency is used for the color.An exception could be generated when comparing links to turtles.Also, a bug was fixed where a stack overflow could occur with large strings. The Encode extension will generate UTF-8 strings to match the desktop version's output.The mod primitive will check for an invalid zero divisor.The tan primitive will better handle asymptotic values.The extract-rgb primitive will work exactly the same as desktop NetLogo's version.The error primitive will properly generate stack traces.We removed some methods to overwrite special JavaScript values using built-in primitives.Fast-running models with large plots could sometimes stop updating and appear blank.When you get a runtime error message you can now easily copy it with the provided button.Many more primitives and agent built-in variables have proper runtime error checks and will now generate meaningful error messages when an unexpected condition is encountered.This should provide a small performance improvement for models that heavily use them ( lput and fput are examples). Primitives that take any kind of value (string, number, boolean, list, agent, agentset, etc) no longer check their argument types at runtime.The Table extension now contains to-json and from-json primitives for converting to and from JSON strings.The Functional Programming extension is now supported on NetLogo Web.

netlogo lput

July 6th 2022 - v2.10.0 The major feature in this release is the ability to create and edit plot widgets in NetLogo Web! Check out the Authoring mode documentation for more information on creating and editing widgets. It also includes some changes to NetTango Web, including syntax highlighting in block code tips.

  • The random-normal reporter is no longer broken as it was in v2.10.0.
  • The random-exponential reporter is now properly checked for runtime errors.
  • The major feature in this release is the ability to jump to the exact primitive in the code tab that causes a runtime error.

    Netlogo lput